Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Winchester Cathedral Is Not Just a Beatles' Song...

Back to civiization!  That also means we are back to traffic.  And Jill GPS is getting sulky.  She is not doing her best work today.  We missed a few turns and she even said "west" when she meant "east" and "On the right" when the place was really "on the left."  Makes me doubt her veracity.  One of the former Americans who lives in London now said we should trade Jill GPS in for a TomTom.  I'm just warning her...!!

BUT we did get to WInchester Cathedral and had a most delightful visit there, until Bos's camera ran out of batteries.  That was an excuse, BTW, for him to buy a "backup camera" which, he says, he has been eyeing in the states.  I think it may just be an excuse.  But then I was in a cutest little French kids' store while he was "buying batteries".  So I will never know.  Instead, I was buying Iris two soft toys, one that looks like a lamb and one that looks like a bunny.  And we have memories of a trip to Europe with Betsy when, because she was distressed about the bunnies and sheep, we named her St Betsy of the Bunnies (she was going to save all the bunnies) and later, St. Betsy of the Sheep (because she had graduated to LARGER animals like sheep to save).  Now her daughter can continue the tradition.

Anyway, a funny story about Winchester.  25 years ago we took our two kids, then 13 and 16, to England and Scotland for our first trip overseas.  We did it on frequent flyer miles and our travel agent got us a book of coupons for Trusthouse Forte hotels.  We named ourselves "The Voucher Family" and we wandered all over England and Scotland for two weeks, driving in a Volvo wagon, taking the train to Scotland, and back to England, where one stop was Winchester.  Now, some of the hotels we stayed in were quaint and some were spartan. None were great!  But we had fun,  Well, after a long drive we ended up in Winchester -- and, as we drove up to the Trusthouse Forte hotel there, I was so excited!  I said, "It looks like a real hotel!  I bet they have a shower.  And a hair dryer!"  I was beside myself with anticipation!  Except.  Except they told Bos that they did not honor our vouchers in this particular hotel.  Well, with tears in my eyes, Bos would not give up.  He begged, on bended knees, for just ONE NIGHT in the hotel.  So, after they took a look at the bedraggled group, they said, with a little more money, they would let us stay!  Hurrah.  Shower.  Hair dryer. Comfy beds.  And thankfulness to Bos for persisting!!  Today we saw that particular hotel again -- now a Wessex hotel.  Fond memories.  But rather stay at Chewton Glen!!!

My thoughts on these fabulous cathedrals are:  hundreds, even thousands of years ago, peasants really had a colorless world.  Dirt was brown, water was brownish; there was no color in their lives.  But when they went to church, they saw COLOR.  The stained glass windows were miraculous and, since most people couldn't read, the stories of the Bible were depicted in those windows. Music, for most people, was only heard in the church.  No radios or cd players or iPods.  People who opted to go into the church as priests or nuns lived a life that was wonderful compared to most people.  So it was a worthwhile occupation for second or third sons, widows, unmarried daughters, etc.  But religion brought color, music, miracles, stories, into their lives.  It was an important function.  Now we have books, tv, movies, dvds, cds, iPods, and a plethora of ways to make our lives like living color.  Not back then!  That's why there are soooo many churches all over.  And were those churches rich?  Of course, because even peasants supported the churches.  And the rich folks paid to have their souls prayed for.  And, if you sinned, you paid with indulgences.  So when Henry VIII dissolved the catholic monasteries and churches throughout England, he took all the wealth the churches had amassed for thousands of years and used it for himself, his wars, his own church.  Nifty move, huh!

At any rate, tomorrow we are either going to Isle of WIght by ferry --- or the pool here and the hot tub.  Even odds on what will win!

Found At
Dorking, UK


  1. Ah...the Voucher Family! Remember how we would spend all our time in the subway, popping up just long enough to see the sights, then going back down, following Dad blindly? And you said we were like prairie dogs? Good times!

    As for the Isle of Wight vs. the hot tub? I'd say go to the Isle of Wight, THEN go to the hot tub. It's not an either-or proposition. Isn't that wonderful??

  2. :D I see you found a dorky UK poodle... :) oops, I mean a Dorking, UK poodle. :D

    Your photos are lovely! I second Betsy's idea... Isle of Wight AND the hot tub! and some of those chocolates, too!

  3. Budget travel was fun in those days. We did Europe on $5.00 a day- clean and minimum hotels, tasty and unexciting food but the sights were still terrific and the memories do stick around.

  4. Love the Voucher Family story! I was curious about it at first mention. Also, Bos' noble pitch to get the vouchers to work at the "real hotel". A determined husband wins for his family. Yay!

  5. And another thing...why do I have to write do those letters each time I post? Do I seem that deviant?

  6. i have been looking for a Beatles song called Winchester Cathedral since first reading this and can't find anything, could you please point me in the right direction? thanks
