Thursday, September 2, 2010

This is Really Going in the Wrong Direction!!

We left Bath today for the next adventure -- the Cornwall coast.  I now know why people were asking us WHY we had chosen Cornwall for this trip.  It is jagged, full of cliffs, cold, and all the cottages have4 and 5 levels.  So...after driving 5 hours to get here (one hour in a traffic jam similar to being stuck on highway 64 in the middle of nowhere between St. Louis and Kansas City), we arrived -- and drove up and down onee car-wide cobblestone streets where other cars backed up -- or you did -- in order to get through.  We kept thinking we had arrived at the basement back end of the Hotel Tresanton.  Until we found out.  It was NOT the backend; it was the front door.  To get to the check-in desk, you had to climb two sets of stairs.  THEN, our room was on the tippy top floor -- 5 more sets of stairs.  That was "IT".  Too much for me.  Frantic calls to patient Michelle, our travel agent, in the states.  What to do??

The manager found us a room -- 3 flights up -- for one night.  THEN we would need to climb the additional stairs for the second night, as our 3-flight room was spoken for.  This trip is definitely going in the wrong direction!!  Where will we end up? 10 flights of stairs?  At least it is chilly enough here that air is not necessary.

And quaint.  This is the very definition of "quaint".  A harbor filled with sailboats. SMall little harbor front boutique-y shops.  People with hiking clothes and backpacks (should have known from that!) walking along the harbor.  No fish and chips to be found.  But we did have cream tea, which is very Cornish!  Remember--Devon cream!?  No pictures though.  Bos left the camera in the car and the car has to be parked far away in a car park.  So we can't get to it.  Maybe we can get a few pictures tomorrow because ---- we have to leave here and go to the next hotel, where we get to stay up 2 stairs for ONE night and then down on the main level the next.  At least, even with all the packing and unpacking, we are going on the right direction!!   Did I say we were not hikers?????!!!!!!!


  1. It sounds like leaving this place will be a "step" in the right direction.

  2. Are they worried about their towel families being broken up? If so, you should run away to Vermont as soon as possible.

    Six floors is way too much. Leaving is the best move.

  3. And Vermont is in Wales in the UK. So to speak.

  4. We had the same kind of stair experience in a "quaint" castle on the Rhein- long walk to get in and through the gate, longer walk to the check-in place and then a bare room up 4 flights of stairs with a tiny window view of the river. We just left- paid for one night and found a very nice small hotel nearby. That was the last time I booked something like that online and the first time we decided we just might not be as adventurous as we thought we were. We are not hikers either.

  5. I am not a fan of stairs, either! I trust they had bell-hops to drag your bags up to the top of the tower...

  6. Is a professional travel agent making this reservations???...and with a country that speaks English? I would be furious. I am a DIY on travel reservations, and I don't make reservations without elevators because of Bob's difficulties...although as I relayed this, he said he could go 4 flights of stairs...whatever!!!
