Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Toto, I Think We're Not in Kansas Anymore..."

We were a little disappointed with our small hotel in St. Auban.  So we were not unhappy to pack up and leave there!  We had become friends of the owner/chef and he proudly told us he was off to be the head chef on the Silver Spirit cruise ship today!  But, all in all, we were glad to leave!
Our room on right 
Main portculus and drawbridge
drawbrigde and moat

Moat and tower

BUT THEN:  well, THEN, after driving through Grenoble and Lyon, we got to Bagnols, the center of the beaujolais wine country.  The grapes are still on the vine, but it is getting close to harvesting.  And the peak drinking time, they tell us, is the third Thursday of November. As we careened up and down small country roads in the rain, we were stunned to see a huge ancient castle spring up in front of us!

See the toilet?

13th century tapistry
Loius XIV silk bed drapes

Front facing valley

See arrow slits?
Moat from drawbridge

Reception hall
 What is this, we asked ourselves?  To be perfectly honest, "it" is where we are staying tonight.  It is called Chateau de Bagnols and was built in the 13th century on top of a hill where you can see the grape fields stretching on and on.  How do I rhapsodize this?  It has those thick stone walls you read about i books or see in movies.  And a moat. Really, with gates to let you in.   And stables.  And big rooms with tall ceilings and fireplaces (even in our bedroom).  And a banquet hall.  And a courtyard.  And -- on and on and on.  You know what else?  It has an elevator.  Like a modern hotel.  And it has up-to-date bathrooms with toilets bidets, two sinks, deep tubs and personal shower nozzles.  They even hid the toilet in a big wooden period chair!  Wifi?  Of course.  And telephones.  And a 4 star french chef who will be preparing our dinner tonight!  And then -- a wine tasting with the sommelier.

 Now THIS is what I was hoping for!  This is as close as one can get to feeling like a lady in the 13th century, living in a castle, waiting for her knight in shining armor.  And who would that be?  It would have to be : My Bosworth.  Oops.  Gotta go.  The church bells in the village chime on the hour, telling me it is time to explore some more!  Au revoir!!!
Great view from reception hall
We're happy!
Orchard and grape arbor
Grand banquet hall withold wine press


  1. Sigh... one could really feel like a princess there... hee hee! Enjoy this stop for all it's worth - it sounds like a perfect place to get that "we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto" feeling out of your vacation!!! I can't wait to see your pictures!

  2. Ahh, and to think you two have been married nearly 50, I know it's not that # because you're too young, but what a treat! Glad you found an truly enchanting place.

  3. How perfect this looks. You need queen and king outfits to feel right at home. Sounds terrific AND civilized AND comfortable. Enjoy!

  4. It looks really wonderful. Although, I think I would be weirded out by the toilet hidden in a throne-chair. I'm glad you finally got your princess in a castle experience.
