Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Out ın the Desert...

First of all, fie on those of you who are reading these posts and not commenting! İ love to read the comments... Second, I am typıng on a Turkish keyboard and it is all different -- so please excuse me!

We have moved our base to Cappadociaş where it looks like desertş but must be fertile in spıte of looks! They grow grapes for wine here, make carpets, and do pottery. And when we can use our own computer agaın, we will show pictures to you all. İt really looks lıke martian landscape, with mushroom shaped tall rocks, wıth dugout homes going very high -- sorta like the indian dugouts in rocks ın the western US.

By the way, our new Apple MacBook Air doesn,t seem to want to work we have had to abandon it until we get to the boat Friday. Working on a Turkish keyboard is about doing me in! But İ promise to tell you much more about everything when we get back to Apple -- and we are staying in a luxury cave room for the next two nights. What does luxury mean when it comes to a cave?? Have to wait two days...


  1. I am embarrassed to admit that it took me until today to figure out how to post a comment. I kept going to the upper left hand corner and clicking on my picture:(
    Everything sounds just fantastic about your trip. I do have to say that the caves would probably freak me out!
    Take care dear friends and continue enjoying yourselves!

  2. Fie? What exactly happens to one when one is Fied upon? I'm curious....

    I won't find out, because I keep commenting. I also keep waiting for you to reply to the comments...

    I don't WANT to wait two days to find out what luxury means when it comes to a cave!! *stamps foot impatiently*

  3. Betsy - I suppose YOU have to wait 2 days, too, to find out what a fie does?

    It isn't 'fee FIE fo fum
    ... because I am not sure the Martians hiding in the luxury caves in Turkey are giant.

    Glad to hear you guys are having fun! That sounds interesting - and if it is in the interior, One Byzantine emporer revamped the army by firing all the mercenaries and Barbarians, and found really tough and wild people from the inside of Turkey and the army was much more successful. I wonder if it was there?

  4. The tough people stıll love here! And, all ın all, I,d rather be back at the Four Seasons! The caves are ınterestıng but... and you wıll not be fıed as you are wrıtıng. But other less dutıful people wıllhave to worry! üğş€ so to speak>!!

  5. This is really, really, weird. As I was working the crossword puzzle this morning, 31 across was, "A pox on thee!". And the answer was........fie!

  6. Can't wait to see pictures of the cave room. I spent 3 weeks in Prague when we exchanged houses using a foreign keyboard. At least you are writing words that are close to correct. Sounds like such a wonderful trip.

  7. So did you know they were going to put you in a cave? Tell us about the food, I'm kind of worrying maybe it's not so great because I haven't heard much about it and you are so good about describing a great meal. I'm picturing grape leaves and figs and lamb, so help us out here! How is you hip doing?
