Thursday, February 28, 2013

Suppose This is God Talking????

Yes, we got to the hotel.  And it is everything you dream of in a luxury hotel.  There were Bentleys and Lamborghinis and Mercedes parked at the entrance.  And the entrance was grand, marble everywhere.  After all, this is one of the capitals of modern world commerce!  It's what you would expect, right??
Just some of the expensive
road trophies in front of the hotel

Splendid Lobby of Shangri-La

 And God felt he needed to teach me a lesson.  A lesson about enjoying life a little too much.  Now, granted, we were in a crowd of 200 people from the ship checking in in waves of crowds.  And I was exhausted after the heat, the humidity, the birds, the flowers.  But I am also a klutz.  I guess God thought it was the perfect time to take the shine off the rose, so to speak.  So, hauling a wheeled carryon, I tripped on one of the marble stairs and fell, face-forward on my left knee, catching myself with my right hand and my right foot.  Yup.  It hurt.  Yup.  I can't walk.  Or use my right hand. Yup, I'm in a wheelchair.  Nice ending.  Especially with 3 days in Hong Kong, stuck in a hotel room.

So, after the shock wore off, we felt we better see a doctor to see if anything was broken.  We called the hotel concierge and she arranged for a bellboy to wheel me (no kidding) out the front doors (with the Bentleys surrounding me), to the shopping center next door where the doctor was located.  In a shopping center -- and I do mean shopping center.  Do we have that in the states?? blink. I just kept saying to myself, "I'll never see these people again.  I'll never see these people again!"
The Bellboy at the door.

So there I was, with a bellboy with his red coat and cute little hat, Bos huffing along, going past store after store (some great jade things in the window of one store), up the elevator to a doctor.  Who saw me right away, no waiting.  Cost $80.  And that included bandages, medicine, visit.  Such a nice guy.  He trained in Sydney and he was headed to Atlanta Saturday to the CDC for more training and research.  He looked 20 (as all Asians seem to look!) but was 45 and told us his wife worked for Cathay Pacific, which is the airlines we are taking, hopefully, HOME!!  We told him about a restaurant in Atlanta that Betsy loves and he wrote it down, so he may actually go there.  And, after examining my broken parts, he asked if there was anything else I needed him to look at!  Wow!!!

Damage from my fall?  He thinks there are no breaks, although, without x-rays he couldn't say definitively.  And this morning my knee feels improved, my foot is slightly better -- my hand, however, not improved. His orders were to stay put and not move; no walking for now.  Of course, we are in one of the world's most fascinating cities.  So definitely stay put in the hotel!!  Ugh.  And I found out how much one uses a right hand, unfortunately!  But we have arranged for airport transportation, wheelchairs at the airports, and we still have a day to go here to see if things get better!!!

What is Bos doing?  Well, you all know him.  He went out browsing to some of the plethora of shops around and, instead of buying stuff for our family and friends, he took PICTURES to show me!  So I could have the final say, if at all.

And I guess we could say that is sightseeing in Hong Kong via proxy!!


Herbal medicine shop near hotel

Get your own stone seal for your letters
documents in this place nearby
One of many buildings that have a hole
to allow the dragon that resides in the mountain
behind to reach the sea.  Feng Shui.
Owners say its to reduce wind resistance.


  1. "What more could go wrong on the trip?" I thought this line was a lead-in for a Downton Abbey promo, but I turned right to the blog. You got my attention.

    The fall sounds horrible. I did almost same thing while with Jane in the center of Madrid. My right hand broke my fall. If I hadn't, I would have visited my friends with smashed nose,
    BUT no trip to Immediate Care. While in Spain for 6 months, Jane had one trip to ER (sprained ankle and $50 for the walking cast) and another to Immediate Care when she sliced her index finger cutting a baguette (No cost, no stitches ...a butterfly bandage)

    Glad you are more-or-less OK. Sorry you are missing the sights. Thankful that Bos is his unflappable self and always thinking of his dear Kathy. Photos for you. My O My! After how many years? Now that's a great story in itself..and only you can write it!

  2. God makes no were saved from something worse. Bos is an ace and will save you time on his sight seeing adventure. Enjoy the Luxury of the hotel and flavor of the culture. You have entertained all of us during this trip, and I once again Thank You. Even my sister Gail is reading about the adventures and mishaps. Hope you heal quickly!
    De LynnK
