Saturday, September 19, 2015


So, if it is Saturday in London, it means matinees in the West End.  And top that off with a beautiful sunny day where Londoners (and everyone else!) can get out of their flats and believe me, they did.  So 

Our task today was to go to see "Matilda" which I persisted in calling everything but Matilda!  And the theater was teeming with all sizes of girls, boys, and some you couldn't tell!  And that meant ice cream, candy, soda as well.  Along with parents trying to corral the aforementioned kiddies.  Iris was entranced by the whole thing -- on the stage and off.  Which meant her mommy was entranced watching Iris watching the event(s).  It ran 3+ hours and, when we emerged, it was nearly supper time.  We were in the vicinity of Covent Gardens, where there was much activity of puppet shows, impersonators, magicians, etc.  All I wanted to do was sit down with a glass of wine and, lo! and behold, there was a NYC restaurant called Balthazar, which looked IDENTICAL to the NYC one where we had an early dinner.

I had snails (ewww, was Iris's comment) and everyone else had Dover sole, as that is what you do when you are near the Channel, North Sea, etc.  And the best part, according to Iris, was that they gave her crayons and she could draw pictures on the tablecloth!  Her daddy spied a 007 drink on the menu, ordered it, and got loopy goofy (which we all enjoyed, because he gets really talkative when loopy!)  And then back to our apartment to pack.

You see, today we are going to Paris through the Chunnel, a 3 hour ride under the English Channel.  Bos was so efficient, he found a company that is picking up our luggage this morning and depositing it, we HOPE, at our hotel, the Bristol, in Paris this afternoon.  That way we are only lugging our extraneous carry-ons at the train station.  Another adventure is about to begin.