Sunday, August 29, 2010

"What Do You Mean, 'You're All Done'?"

So. SO.  So again.  We are done packing.  It is really disconcerting.  Because, when I was working, I usually packed in a flurry a couple hours before we left for the airport. Never -- not on any of our trips, did my family think I could get it all together in such short a time.  But it always worked out!!  Now, well, NOW we have been packed for nearly 4 days.  I've actually forgotten what is in those bags. We walk past the bedroom where the bags sit quietly and feel guilty. Why guilty?  No flurry going on, I assume. That's why.  It will be like Christmas opening the suitcases when we get to England.  In fact, this is all so out-of-character for us that today BOS is unpacking in order to repack! We've cleaned out the refrigerator.  And the pool.  Oh -- and we made a trip to Borders to buy maps of England and of France. Too much time on our hands!

 Rather than worrying about packing, I am focusing on a new obstacle. I have chosen to worry about not knowing where we will be driving when we get there.  So, on the kitchen table, we have a large map of England and we are marking roads with highlighters that we hope we can read when we get there!  I think this whole trip may be a very bad idea, now that I think about it!  Wrong side of road.  Tired from a long plane ride. Bos isn't that great a driver here.  What makes me think he'll improve in a strange country with a strange car on strange roads.  Not knowing where we are going. What if our fancy little GPS really doesn't work in ENgland like they advertise??!!  What made us think this would all work 9 months ago?? And it is too late to get our money back. Must have been a brain dysfunction back then!!! Oh well--now it's time to wait...and worry...and wait...and worry...


  1. Wow ... you guys are NOT "cutting it close."

    It'll be fine - I am sure!

  2. Why why WHY did you buy a map? don't take a trip, the trip takes you. Just get lost and enjoy it!

  3. Ahhh... the immediately-before-the-trip anxiety - I know it well! It causes me to be a control freak! If I didn't touch something, it obviously didn't make it into a suitcase because couldn't possibly have remembered to pack it...

    My favorite calming thought is that if I have the tickets, my ID, and a good credit card, I am prepared. :)

  4. The last time we drove in England we did this mantra at each turn to remind us of the differences. Turning corners and getting on the correct side of the road was a trick so together we'd say, "LEFT turns are narrow and RIGHT turns are wide. Seemed to help us- but then we very simple minded!

  5. Obviously, you forgot your Greek worry beads!
