Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is "Hysterimania" Really a Word??

"D Day" is fast approaching.  No, that's in France and that comes later.  This is really "T Day" for "travel day" and the closer it gets the more "hysterimaniacal" I become.  See, we use my mom's former bedroom as a staging area.  And we had to "stage" way earlier than ever because:  another bright idea of mine, of course.

See, there is this company.  It is called "Luggage Free" and they will ship your luggage anywhere in the world and guarantee that it will get there.  All it takes is gold bullion bars.  ANYWAY, it seemed like a good idea back when.  Because I figured we didn't want to rent a giant van or something to drive around in England or in France. We decided we would ship one BIG bag to the boat and just take two small carryons for the 8 days in England and 8 days again in France.  Sensible, huh?!  Well, the closer and closer we got to D (excuse me!) "T" day, the more difficult this all became.

Try, a week ahead of a trip, to decide what you will need to wear in England versus a cruise versus France.  I checked weather reports in all locations but I know from experience that it is always HOTTER wherever and if you THINK it is going to be hotter, it will be colder.  Which means, simply, you need to take hot AND cold clothes plus rain gear, travel books, makeup (especially at THIS age!), hair stuff, binoculars, kindles(this was one wise choice -- not hauling books!), and odd and assorted things.  AND this does NOT fit into one big suitcases and two small carryons!  So, I get hysterimaniacal.

Now Bos is an engineer.  They are fixers, if you know what I mean.  So...he hauls out rolling racks that I am to put all my choices for clothing.  Only my choices include everything in my closet, my mother's closet (because I took that over when Mom died) and part of Bos's closet (which I also took over, sorry to say!).  And Bos's only help is to tell me I can take it all.  Because he is a master packer, he says.  But I spend 3 days hanging up and taking down.  Trying to figure I will tough it out and then reversing the tough part and belligerently saying I WILL take it all!.  FYI, it did NOT all fit in.  But Bos spent the next two days packing and repacking -- with added (not carryons) suitcases.  So here I sit, all packed up, big suitcase on its way to ENgland, other suitcases packed with who-knows-what.  And I figure we will just keep up the image of the ugly American wherever we go!  Did I tell you we have 16 pairs of shoes, so our feet won't hurt??!!  See what I mean????


  1. I am really excited to follow you two on another adventure! One of these days, Brent and I will have to have our own adventure, but until then, this is *almost* as good as being there.

    Bon Voyage!

  2. Love the idea of sending the luggage ahead- really smart choice. Now that you have been through the packing hassle you can relax and anticipate the fun ahead.

  3. Yes, hysterimania is a word. (See! I just used it in a sentence!) I tried to help you. I did! But you just got all hysterimaniacal and wouldn't listen. (See! Another sentence! It's totally a word now.) I love you anyway. I'm just never helping you pack ever again. *smile*
