Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why Oh Why??

There is nothing like being sick on vacation.  Especially when, after a year of planning, that sick part starts BEFORE you actually get on the cruise ship.  There is something terribly wrong about that.  I don't think God or anyone else could plan such a downer.  But here we are in SYdney, Australia, stuck in a hotel room, coughing, snarking, hacking, with various liquids coming out of orifices in one's head.

And, to make it worse, I have to hide myself so I don't infect all the old people going on this cruise with us.  I don't,, frankly, know how this happened.  We took sterile wipes and wiped down plane seats, tray tables, arm rests.  I went through a whole bottle of Purell in two days.  It's just not FAIR!!

But there is nothing like being married to a Boy Scout.  And we were prepared .... for almost anything. Not snake bites or stuff.  But the epizootic.  So late last night, thanks to our doctor, we began Z-Pack to try to kill this thing.  And today, fever is down, head is feeling better.  And we are off to the boat to float up to Brisbane and from there, the Great Barrier Reef. (Where there are sharks and box jellyfish!)

Maybe, in a week or ten days, as they say, this thing will be beaten back.  And I can enjoy our trip!!


  1. Being sick sucks. Being sick while you're away from home sucks worse. I'm sorry.

  2. Hope you're feeling better by now.
