Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mediterranean 0, Epizoodic 1

So what good is it if a vacation goes off without a hitch?!  Not very, you say.  And you would be right.  So for the past two days we have been floating in and out of various "seas" attached to the Mediterranean that all look like one big body of water with different names -- and coughing coughing coughing away.  I'd like to blame someone for this -- and I have my suspicions.  But I can't point the fickle finger of fate absolutely to one person (unless it is that very attractive lady with blonde smooth hair and long fingernails named "Rickie" from D.C. -- oops, I said I wouldn't do that!)  BTW  I am sure she has had a facelift or at the very least, botox.  Because she told me the ages of her kids and they are OLDER than mine.   And she looks way better than me.  Been married 3 times.  But I can tell you Bos looks way better than #3!  Oh well.

In any case, tomorrow is the day we are supposed to go to Florence.  It means a 2-1/2 hour bus ride and, since we've been there before and have commented on the sculpture "David" whose hands are wayyy too big for his body (so who says Michelangelo always got it right?!), so we opted to go to Lucca, a little hill town that is a way shorter trip.  It's all Tuscany, after all.  And this is all dependent on whether I keep honking away or not.

Before you ask, yes, I do have antibiotics along.  But I don't have a fever.  So I am prolonging the agony of feeling icky while floating.  But we watched 10 episodes of Dickens' "Dombey and Son" that we brought along in 2 days.  And are heading into "Ethan Frome" from Eliot next.  Oh well. Yawn.


  1. Sorry you are honking and honking. You'd fit right in with those Italian drivers who honk their car horns all the time. Hope you feel better soon. David will still be there- big hands and other things- next time.

  2. Iris is "sowwy" you're not feeling well. She hopes no one is spraying saline up *your* nose, though. Because saline spray is stupid.
